CLSG 2022 – Call for Papers

Christianity and Literature Study Group

Call for Papers

Annual Conference, Montreal 2022

The Christianity and Literature Study Group invites proposals for papers and panels on any aspect of Christianity and literature for its annual Conference, which will be held in in Montreal—in person, we hope, and pray! We welcome a range of critical approaches and topics, including pedagogy, multimedia genres, and creative writing.  Proposals for panels with alternate formats are particularly welcome.

Proposals for member-organized sessions should include a title and brief (approx. 150-word) description by October 4thth, so that we can circulate a revised CFP including these panel calls. Individual paper proposals are welcome at this time as well.

The deadline for all paper proposals, including those for member-organized panels, is December 6th.

Paper Proposals

Following the guidelines on the ACCUTE website, paper proposers should send a 300-500 word proposal (with no identifying marks), a 100 word abstract, a 50 word biographical statement, and the submitter information form, to or to no later than December 6th.  All CLSG proposals are sent to a minimum of two readers on a blind referee basis, and acceptance is confirmed usually by mid-January.

Note: In order to present a paper at the CLSG meeting, you must be a member in good standing of ACCUTE as well as of the CLSG. 

Proposals for papers and/or member-organized sessions should be sent to either Tina or Katherine at the addresses or emails below:

Tina Trigg, Chair                                                         Katherine Quinsey

Department of English                                               Department of English

The King’s University                                                  University of Windsor

9125 – 50 Street, Edmonton, AB T6B 2H3                  Windsor, ON  N9B 3P4                                                     

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